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    FalconEyes RX-818 100W full RGB 2’x1’6″ Flex LED

    £38.00 exc. VAT
    £45.60 inc. VAT

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    Key Features

    Bright 100w LED light with daylight to tungsten colour temperature and full RGB colour options

    61x46cm and only 10mm thick, so fully flexible

    Supplied with frame, stand mount, stand, diffiser, egg crate

    With mains power adaper, can ber powered wioth V lock batteris (supplied separately)

    FalconEyes RX-818 100W full RGB 2’x1’6″ Flex LED


    The new Roll-Flex LED light is developed with the latest LED technology to perform roll able and flexible movement with a thickness  of only 10mm. The Roll-Flex comes in size 61x46cm to aim for all kinds of shootings and   microfilming.  It is handy light   weight and easy to carry around which is great to use as your no-sunlight reflector or as a fill light. With the help   of the optional clamp,  user could mount the Roll-Flex LED light on a light stand in order to use as a LED panel.