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    Profoto Sales

    Try before you buy – hire the item you’re considering and we will refund a day’s rental charge if you subsequently buy that item (if over £500 + vat in value) within 30 days of the hire. 

    NEW Profoto L1600D  lightweight 1600w daylight LED, no ballast or heavy cables!

    NEW Pro-B3 750 Profoto’s most powerful battery powered monobloc (750 w/s) with bright LED modelling, short flash durations and rapid recycling  Battery gives 250 full-power flashes

    PRICE CUT:  B1x single head ‘To-Go’ kit now just £1363 + vat with FREE spare battery worth £287 + vat

    PRICE CUT:  B1x two-head ‘Location’ kit (with backpack) now just £3337 + vat with two FREE spare batteries worth £574 + vat

    PRICE CUT:  B10X & B10X Duo kit REDUCED BY 16.7% 

    NEW Profoto D30 500 Monobloc Budget 500w/s head with 11 stop power range.  0,01-0,7 seconds recycling time and 35w LED modelling.

    NEW Profoto Pro-D3 Monoblocs Industrial-grade powerhouse of a monolight, designed to work relentlessly in the most demanding high-volume production environments.

    NEW White Zoom, Telezoom & Magnum reflectors & grids Create unique, punchy, crispy light with soft shadows

    NEW Profoto Softboxes available in 1×4′, 2×3′, 3×4′, 3′ & 4′ Octa, these softboxes with integral Profoto speedrings can be assembled and mounted in seconds. Softgrids and interchangeable diffusers are available too. 

    The Profoto items we generally keep in stock are shown below, call for further details

    Free overnight delivery on orders over £500 + vat, orders dispatched within 2-3 working days.  Delivery charge of £8 + vat will be applied to orders under £500 + vat.  For same working day delivery within the London area please call 020 7729 8822 to place your order.

    All prices on our website are subject to VAT